If I have learned only one thing from my travels around the world it is that no garden is an island. Context is everything.‘ Monty Don visits each continent in this landmark series on gardens of the world. We are introduced to the unique floating gardens of the Amazon and the colourful alpine flower meadows of Norway, modest domestic gardens in Havana and Bali, Monet’s world-famous Giverny and the Dutch tour-de-force Het Loo, the formal magnificence of Renaissance Italian water gardens, the tropical planting traditions of Thailand, and the intriguing fusion of indigenous and colonial garden cultures in Australia, New Zealand and South Africa. Each garden is placed in context, horticultural preconceptions are abandoned and Monty is constantly surprised by the unexpected locations where gardens thrive. A vivid account of travel, adventure, beauty and the pursuit of knowledge.
ISBN-10: 0297844504
ISBN-13: 978-0297844501
288 Seiten, Gebundene Ausgabe
von Monty Don
Vorheriger Beitrag
Englische Gärten: Parks, Landschaftsgärten und Cottage Gardens in Großbritannien und Irland
Nächster Beitrag
Grenzenlose Gärten: Die Traumgärten Neuseelands entdecken